Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Happy New Year - and AGM Invitation.

A New Year Resolution for TVDTC members:-

Attend the AGM on the 6th January 2020 at the Inn on the Green Coddington.

7:00 refreshments Meeting 7:30. 
(and don't let your dog chew your computer up!).

Oh! and before I forget, wishing you all 

"A Happy New Year"

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

December News!

Annual General Meeting, on 6th January, 2020, at the ‘Inn on The Green’, Coddington.

Refreshments from 7:00 - Meeting starts at 7:30.

We start back Training on 13th January at the Showground, but in a new place – the John Eastwood Building

Turn left when you come in the main gate and it is the set of low buildings on your right. You can park on the front of them. The really good news is that this building is not as much in use by other events as our current one so we will not lose as many dates. For example, we will have most of the training days in July and only lose one session in August! This is great news.

Looking forward to seeing lots of you back in the new year.